About Me and My Pack

Taken by my good friend, Ashleigh Moore. Out on a photo walk, being assisted by Buddah.

Taken by my good friend, Ashleigh Moore. Out on a photo walk, being assisted by Buddah.

I started my dance with photography way back with my Kodak Instamatic 110 (yikes!). My dad instilled his love of photography in me and I am so thankful for that. I’ve owned several film cameras over the years including a Leica, my father’s camera of choice; then a Yashica (I still pop film into it occasionally) my husband bought for me when we were newly married. I entered the digital age with one of the first Canon Rebel XT cameras and now shoot with my Canon 7D which I love, it’s a tank. If my 7D isn’t available I can be seen with my iPhone in hand uploading photos to Instagram (my addiction). I graduated from taking nice photos to seeing the world differently through the lens after taking several photography classes at Big Picture Classes and in particular with Tracey Clark of Shutter Sisters fame. I attended Camp Shutter Sisters in October 2011 and it had a profound effect on me; in the words of Holly Clark, “it was epic!”

I’m married to a great guy, we have two beautiful and funny university aged daughters who recently have forbidden me from taking their photos without the involvement of extreme bribery. So…I was forced to move onto easier prey…my four Tibetan Terriers (TT’s) as my muse. I am sure if given the chance they would also put the kibosh on my excessive shutter clicking.

Three of my four present dogs are adopted, Tashi 5, is a TT cross who came to us at 6 months of age through Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection in Edmonton. Tashi has taught me a great deal about dog behaviour (both good and bad). Bella 10 and Buddha 8 are a bonded TT pair from Vancouver who came into our lives this past April through Tibetan Terrier Club of Canada Rescue; they are adapting to pack life and Alberta winters, slowly. Kaya 10, is the only remaining member of my original three member TT pack, SHE knows it and reminds everyone else whenever she can. I love all animals, especially dogs, and spent four years running a successful dog walking and pet sitting business. Now I have a part time gig capturing images of pets and the people who love them.

One of my reasons for starting this blog is because of a project I’m starting in 2013; it’s my take on a 100 Strangers Photography Project. My goal is to take photos of 100 Pets and their People (all strangers) over the course of the year. I am very excited about this project and know it will help me grow as a photographer and individual. I also hope to share some of our adventures walking in the woods and excerpts from my photo shoots.

I hope you drop in often to see what’s going on. Cheers! Sheila



The original pack, Mo, Seba, Kaya and Tashi

The original pack, Mo, Seba, Kaya and Tashi

The present pack, Buddha, Tashi, Kaya and Bella

The present pack, Buddha, Tashi, Kaya and Bella

Kaya on lookout

Kaya on lookout

Tashi the speed demon

Tashi the speed demon

Bella and Buddha

Bella and Buddha

18 thoughts on “About Me and My Pack

  1. What an awesome project! I will be anxiously following your progress as I have been thinking of doing something similar! Just don’t have as much time as I would like to do it right now. Practicing on my friends’ dogs and my own 2 when I can! Have you seen the 3 books by Elise Lufkin–“Found Dogs” & “Second Chances” are the first 2 –don’t see the third nearby at the moment:) Anyway–check them out if you can. I am inspired by her photos of rescued dogs and their people–short story included with each photo. Kybarb

    • Thanks so much Barb! I haven’t seen her books but I’m going to check them out; I have some gift certificates to our Chapters store and they sound fantastic. I hope I can keep track of all the pets, people and stories properly and do them justice. I’ve ordered mini Moo cards to give to the people with my website and a thank you for helping me with my project so they can check out the gallery. I’ve decided if they would like a copy they can send me their address and I’ll send them one, for free of course.

  2. P.S. would love to know about gear you wear walking your dogs in the winter! I’m a big chicken when it comes to walking outside in the ice & snow with my dogs:)

    • Barb I have quite an array of clothing from my dog walker years. My coats start at waist level and get longer as it gets colder right down to mid calf. I have bought all of them through Lands End or LL Bean and several are down filled. I have great snow pants and long johns for when its really cold and the snow pants come in handy when I lay in the snow to get a shot lol. I wear insulated Muck Boots or Sorels and mitts and a hat. Layers are the key for sure and because I walk mainly in the woods I don’t have to deal with much ice but I do have things to slip on my boots if necessary for traction. I put a product called Mushers Secret on my dogs paws so they don’t ice and snow ball up. Are winters are everywhere from about +8 celsius to -30 celsius and then sometimes a windchill on top so there are no other options really πŸ™‚ I have an active bunch of pups, especially Tashi. Hope that helps!

  3. Hi Sheila,
    What a great project idea for you! Your photos are wonderful & I am also an eager viewer… I take photos of Misha from time to time…but often they turn out as a black blob (sometimes with red eyes!!). A black poodle is hard to photograph! : )
    Looking forward to your blog entries!

    • Thanks so much Rosemary! My dog Kaya is black and I have the same issue, she needs snow on her face to get a good photo or a good background (she looks good in green :)). I’m excited about the project.

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